Broke a nail in the mosh pit

But otherwise I’m fine ….

Last week husband took me to see Bring Me The Horizon.  He tricked me into going by showing me a video filmed at The Royal Albert Hall accompanied by the Parallax Orchestra.  Hard rock with a classical nuance, yeah I get that.

However, when you take away the orchestra what you’re left with is Metalcore alternative; angry, angry music.  And not just angry but effing furious! In their defence lighting and stage rig was fab.

For 2.5 hours I sat through 2 metalcore bands, a lot of profanity and from my elevated seat I got a good view of the mayhem playing out in the mosh pit, which I visited for approximately 45 seconds! Have you seen the size of those metal fans? Surrounded by crazed Amazonians I was scared of getting hooked onto a random piercing. Whimpering, I scampered back to the safety of my seat and avoided being spat on by the lead singer.  His Mother needs to have a word.

But look at me, down with the kids, a new experience for January.

Talking of January, I’m DRY!  Apologies if you dropped your phone in shock, I understand, it’s been quite a revelation for my liver as well.  I’ve succumbed to peer pressure and joined this popular event for the first time. All I can say is, who knew January had 4,368 days?   Sober Sunday afternoons are really quite a bore, but the house has never been cleaner as I have to find something to pass the time.  The other thing that helps pass the time is chocolate, whilst medical fact sheets tell you that you could lose anywhere between 6-15 pounds by abstaining for a month, I’ve had the cocoa injection and gained 8!

Just about the right size for a Sunday

Dry January to Fatty February, what’s March going to bring, I really don’t mind provided it’s accompanied by a large glass of Sauvignon Blanc.

As a side note, alcohol free wine is like faking an orgasm – it looks like the real thing, but is deeply unsatisfying.

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